After a life dedicated to dance and a shifting perspective on how to live my life more in harmony with nature, I felt the urge to learn more practical skills in that area. After watching the documentary Garbage Warrior with Michael Reynolds I booked the first flight to New Mexico (US) to learn more about Earthsips at the Biotecture Earthship Academy. These self sustainable houses are off grit and provide warmth, water, food and electricity to a family in the middle of the desert.
With the help of Mas Con Menos we built our own version at my parents place ‘De Uelenspieghel’ in Drenthe. We call it the ‘Shala’. After an amazing workshop week with 20 people it took us a year to finish but the result is beautiful.
I am very interested to learn and participate and initiate more in projects around natural building.
It provides the perfect surrounding for holistic bodywork. Below you can see some footage of the building workshop week.

Together with Mas Con Menos we organized an amazing workshop week how to build a natural straw bale Cob House. We call it “The Shala”